Saturday, June 18, 2011

Manna on the Bayou

(NASB) Luke 10:2 And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

As I am going to sleep tonight, I am just winding down from 6 hours of driving, an encounter with 7000 Alabama ants, having just attended one of the shortest(best) weddings that I have attended and been catching up with some beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.

The wedding was a reminder for me of the future wedding of a loving Saviour and His bride that is made up of the Church body. That wedding will be much longer and the honeymoon will never end for those who are in the Book of Life. But I feel like we are called to continue preaching and teaching and witnessing until that day arrives. There are too many who think church is just coming to watch a bunch of professionals do their craft on significant holidays. Hogwash!!! we who are saved are all pieces of the pie of how to do church on Sunday, Jesus didn't go everwhere himself, he had disciples to help him reach out to all of the towns. The harvest is plentiful today as well. We need to stop talking and start moving forward withe the Great Commission.

I pray we each try to disciple another, but also to find someone to disciple you....none of us are truely mature.

Steve Amos

Sent fro my iPad

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